Pilates use all ranges of motion, so your body becomes a strong unit rather than disconnected parts. Each movement has a desired release to create a specific outcome. Performing Pilates should create an experience in which you can judge your performance on how it feels. That is the best way to tell what works. It aims to lengthen muscles rather than shorten them. In turn, your body creates more fluid movement and support for your joints, which is ideal for rehabilitation after an injury.

Can You Do Pilates with an Injury?
Getting into an exercise routine is a form of physical therapy. Therefore, it can not only challenge an athletic person, but it can heal an injured one. A variety of athletes use Pilates to strengthen their bodies. However, it can also be used after a surgery or injury. Machines used for Pilates were originally made from hospital beds with attached springs to help rehabilitate the ill.
What Are the Benefits of Pilates?
Pilates can strengthen your core muscles, unlike any other exercise. With a deep understanding of how the body works, it is the best work out when it comes to developing core strength. However, it does much more than that. If you already exercise on a regular basis, you might know some of the benefits of working out like alleviating pain, revealing stress and boosting your mood.
How Often Should You Practice Pilates?
You can practice the exercises as often as you want, depending on your lifestyle. If you are injured, you should consult with a trained professional about rehabilitation. In general, you can do Pilates two to three times a week to supplement other exercises and reap a cross-training benefit. For example, Pilates is not aerobic, so you might like add cardio to your work out another day. Luckily, it is a work out that you will not make you feel sore for days on end afterward. You can perform the routine every day of a week if you prefer.
What Type of Equipment Do You Need for Pilates?
You can visit a Studio with specialized equipment and a professional trainer to help you get the most out of your Pilates session. Each session lasts about 45 minutes or so. However, you can also practice at home if you have a mat, the appropriate video for training and the commitment to do it on your own. Other equipment might include an exercise ball, Pilates ball, Pilates magic circle, Exercise bands, Sliding Discs or even some small Dumbbells.
Are There Other Health Benefits?
Not only will it help you build muscle in your core, arms, and legs, but it will also improve your flexibility. Pilates can help with joint mobility, too. Even if you already walk, run, or do yoga, the precise and calculated movements of your body can allow you to perform better whether you are a dancer or football player.
Do You Work Up a Sweat During Pilates?
During your routine, you might perform movements like Criss-Cross, The 100, Swan, or Elephant. They look simple but take precision and control. You must focus on your breathing as well. Since it's not aerobic, you might not always work up a sweat. You need to concentrate on your movements rather than constantly moving to build up a sweat.
Are There Age Restrictions with Pilates?
There are no age restrictions. It does not matter if you are eight or 80; you can benefit from this unique exercise. A range of classes is available from classical to contemporary training. Different props and applications may be used accordingly, but it should always be safe and fun.
