Intuitive eating is a non-diet approach to eating. It emphasises trusting your body to make food choices that feel good for you and honour your health, without the influence of diet culture. While moving towards intuitive eating can take time and practice, here are 3 steps to help you get started on your journey: Eat regularly
Eating regularly will help regulate your body’s hunger cues. By eating regularly and at similar times, you will find that your appetite begins to adapt and your hunger signals will become more clear. We recommended aiming for 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks, eating every 2-3 hours. For many people, this looks like having breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and dessert.
Eat flexibly and allow yourself permission to enjoy food
A key component of intuitive eating and breaking away from diet culture is giving yourself permission to eat all foods.
Have you ever felt restricted due to your food rules? It's time to start the journey towards healing and learning how to manage these thoughts. Take a few moments, jot down all of those delicious foods that have been off-limits for too long - it’s time they make their way back onto the menu! Pick one favourite treat as an example, then try having some every day. You may find yourself overindulging at first but don't worry; with practice comes progress and soon enough these cravings will become less intense.
This may be a process that can cause a lot of anxiety and stress. Working with a dietitian can help support you through this process if you are struggling.
Set goals around intuitive eating When you are first learning how to get started with intuitive eating, having some practical and actionable steps can be a great place to start:
Unfollow any social media accounts that encourage dieting and unrealistic body ideals
Start to become conscious of any food rules you may have around food, so you can begin to unpack and overcome these. Working with a Coach in this step can be a great way to reduce overwhelm and access guidance and support!
Eat mindfully to allow yourself to become more familiar with your fullness cues. Slow down and try focusing on your five senses – what does the food taste like, smell like, sound like, look like and feel like? Check in with yourself regularly to gauge how full and satisfied you are feeling, and stop once you have reached this point.
Move your body in a way that you enjoy, rather than one that burns the most calories. Try taking up pilates, Functional Fitness classes, going for a walk in nature, playing sport, running around and playing with friends, Children/Grandchildren or any other activity that makes moving your body fun.
Much love
Health and Wellness Coach